Sunday, April 24, 2011

Equine Assisted Activities

What in the world is Equine Assisted Activities? We get it - Alot. Most understand it  has to do with horses but the real question is what does it do, how does it work? Well, being pioneers in this area for over 30 years we have answers. Equine Assisted Activities (EAA) is perhaps not as traditional as some treatments but boy, oh, boy does it get results.  EAA been shown to aid a wide spectrum of physical, psychological, cognitive and social ailments - from cerebral palsy to autism, multiple sclerosis to low self esteem. The list goes on and on…but we listed a few for you so you would know we really weren't kidding.

    •    Autism
    •    Brain injury
    •    Alcoholism
    •    Parkinson’s
    •    Learning disabilities
    •    Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
    •    Seizures
    •    Cerebral palsy
    •    Visual and hearing impairment
    •    Down’s syndrome
    •    Greif
    •    Anxiety and various phobias

CTRC offers EAA to assist in recovery of traumatic injuries, address special needs and aide in the development of life skills. The uniqueness of EAA lies in the gait  and unconditional acceptance of  the therapy horse. Horses have a three dimensional swinging motion to their gait - just as we do - Go figure. More than just a ride on the range? You bet. The rider experiences up/down, forward /backward, and side-to-side motion – an interactive experience that stimulates muscle, brain and social activity and in turn increases a rider’s posture, balance, strength, focus and coordination - wait there is more -  also positively enhancing flexibility, self-awareness, confidence and a sense of independence.

We witness the power of EAA on our participants every day.

    • Improved posture control and balance
    • Increased muscle tone and strength
    • Greater range of motion
    • Decreased spasticity
    • Development of learned skills
    • Tactile awareness and sensory integration
    • Greater skill at sequencing, patterning and motor planning
    • Increased self-control and awareness
    • Better emotional control
    • Greater self-awareness and self-confidence
    • Increased experiences
    • Improving social skills and cooperation

Want to learn more of more about EAA?  Visit

Want to see EAA in action? Visit us at the Colorado Therapeutic Riding Center

So remember, no moment of life is wasted spent in a saddle. Ride on! 

1 comment:

  1. It is so amazing what horses are capable of when it comes to helping people. At the therapeutic riding center where I volunteer, I love seeing the improvement in all the riders.
    I love seeing organizations like this!
    Keep up the good work.
    My horse is even therapeutic to me... It is truly magical what they can do.
